Sunday, January 18, 2009

Of Royal Blood & typical KLite

Boy, it's been a week since the holiday's over. Though I can say holiday wasn't that great, (I lost my cellphone and broke my laptop) I pretty much learn that I can never sit around here thinkin' havin the holiday all by myself (whilst everyone back home and some went for vacation) is going to get my mind off these medical turmoil. Next time cuti, balik Malaysia, balik! lalala~

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"We've pushed your 1st I.A. to after spring break 'cause that way you'll get better marks, 'cause you have the whole holiday to revise."

Better marks my ass. Ever wonder why they call it holiday? Holy-day? Studying isn't holy. Taking pictures with Eiffel as the background is holy. Going back to Malaysia, enjoying March's shopping spree is holy. Eating sliced baguette at Italian street cafe with cheese fondue is holy. When the whiteboard were falling, for a second i hope it falls on your head, so that you'll become sane again. And mister, screaming in lectures isn't the best way of putting across the info to our mind.

Anyway, go Pharmacology!